Consumer educaion is more important than ever in today's rapidly changing insurance business environment. The increased reliance on digital distribution has had a great impact on both the dissemination of financial education and the range of customers involved. Furthermore, there is a significant increase in the number of public-private, multi-stakeholder efforts supporting financial education in inclusive insurance, and some emerging trends can be identified.
Educación financiera
Educación financiera
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Informes y publicaciones, Educación financiera, África, Medio Oriente y norte de África | 2015
Consumer Education - Old Questions, New Thinking - 5th Consultative Forum
Related Events
This forum brought together some 60 high-ranking representatives from insurance supervisory authorities and the industry, with the objective to foster knowledge and understanding in the field of inclusive insurance markets.
Also in Educación financiera

Presentaciones, Informes y publicaciones, Educación financiera, Global | 2019

Informes y publicaciones, Educación financiera, África | 2016

Presentaciones, Informes y publicaciones, Educación financiera, Global | 2015

Presentaciones, Informes y publicaciones, Conducta del mercado y protección del consumidor, Educación financiera, Global | 2014

Informes y publicaciones, Educación financiera, América Latina y el Caribe | 2014

Informes y publicaciones, Educación financiera, Global | 2013

Informes y publicaciones, Fundamentos de seguro inclusivo, Global | 2013