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4th Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab (iii-lab)

The Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) is partnering with Reos Partners for the fourth Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab to engage multistakeholder country teams from the insurance sector in dialogue and mutual learning, to develop innovative inclusive insurance solutions and help build resilience against the impacts of climate change.  

What is it about?   

The 4th iii-lab (2023-2024) is a 12-month journey where 3-4 teams from different countries, consisting of key stakeholders from the insurance sector, will collaborate on innovative insurance solutions to increase resilience against the impact of climate change. The project aims to benefit the most vulnerable segments of the population and is the 2nd iii-lab that addresses the widening climate protection gap. The project will be guided by the following question:  

How can you innovate for achieving climate resilience in your jurisdiction? 

The process 

The fourth iii-lab is split into three phases. Each phase consists of national and international components in which participants will attend virtual and in-person workshops to exchange within and across country teams and actively participate in the design and implementation of insurance innovations for building climate risk resilience.     

One year after the first national workshops, the fourth Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab officially will come to an end while the implementation of innovations will continue under the responsibility of the country teams. 

Updates and results of the lab will be disseminated nationally by the country team and on a regional and global basis through A2ii. 

Participating countries: 

Participants in the climate lab are: Armenia (Central Bank of Armenia) , Nepal (Nepal Insurance Authority), and Senegal (Direction des Assurances)

Photo gallery

Click here to see the photo gallery.


Further information 


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Latest Updates

20 May 2024

Discovery phase comes to an end

The international cohort of the fourth A2ii Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab (iii-lab) has successfully concluded the discovery phrase, the first of three phases in the lab process. 

Building on the momentum generated by national workshops held in February, each of the country teams from Armenia, Nepal, and Senegal engaged in extensive interviews with their target groups in the agricultural sector, mostly farmers and fishers, in order to identify the main challenges these groups are facing in the light of climate change. 

These interviews were the basis for discussions during the international calls. Each country presented a creative Pecha-Kucha presentation, not only providing some insight on their rich cultural heritage but also diving into the state of insurance and climate risk within their respective jurisdictions. As they presented their findings, similarities and unique nuances among stakeholder perspectives emerged.

The interviews underscored a pervasive lack of trust in and understanding of insurance benefits among agricultural communities. Furthermore, there was an awareness of the immediate impacts of climate change on livelihoods across all regions, as encapsulated by an interviewee from Nepal: “As per my estimation, climate change has decreased my production by roughly 20%”.

However, distinct differences also surfaced: Senegal emphasised the importance of in-person distribution channels, while Nepal identified significant potential in digital distribution platforms. Armenia highlighted opportunities in leveraging smart farming appliances for data collection and greater resilience.

The interviews catalysed a shift in perceptions and prompted new inquiries, such as:

  • how to ensure the livelihoods of rural populations beyond traditional farming or fishing occupations,

  • how to deliver innovation effectively, and

  • how to address the specific needs of vulnerable groups. 

As teams transition into the innovation phase, each country team will leverage the insights gained from this collaborative exchange to propel their respective initiatives forward. The stage is set for further collaboration and refinement as teams will convene in-person at the end of July.

13 March 2024

Armenia National Workshop

The A2ii Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab (iii-lab) successfully held its first national workshop in Armenia over two dynamic days, 13 and 14 March, hosted at the Central Bank in Yerevan. Esteemed speakers including Mr Hovhannes Khachatryan, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Armenia, Katrin Buder-Pelz, Head of German Development Cooperation at the German Embassy, and Madeleine Rauschenberger, Country Director for GIZ Armenia, marked the opening with insightful remarks.

The workshop brought together a diverse multi-stakeholder team from the Central Bank of Armenia, various ministries, the industry sector, academia, and civil society. The participants engaged in fruitful discussions about the current landscape of inclusive insurance in Armenia and explored innovative opportunities for enhancing climate resilience through the lab process.

In response to the pressing challenges posed by climate change, the country team pinpointed the agricultural sector and low-income populations as critical areas of focus. The team committed to raising insurance awareness and capitalising on Armenia's advanced digital landscape. They also underscored the vital role of incorporating feedback from the demand side into the innovation process. 

The 4th iii-lab is a 12-month journey where teams from Armenia, Nepal and Senegal, consisting of key stakeholders from the insurance sector, are collaborating on innovative insurance solutions to increase resilience against the impact of climate change. For more information on the iii-lab, click here.

28 February 2024

Nepal National Workshop

The inaugural National Workshop of the 4th iii-lab for Nepal was held in Kathmandu on 28-29 February. Mr Raju Raman Paudel, the Executive Director of the Nepal Insurance Authority (NIA), and Ms Paulina Campos, GIZ Nepal Deputy Country Director, inaugurated the workshop.

Various stakeholders from the agriculture insurance sector, including regulators, insurance and reinsurance entities, InsurTech companies, a national farmers’ cooperative, the country’s climate and disaster risk reduction and management authority, and international organizations attended the workshop.

During the two-day event, participants exchanged ideas on climate change impacts on Nepali agriculture and discussed potential solutions to address farmers' protection issues. Parametric insurance was a focal point, with recognition of existing challenges in convincing stakeholders, including farmers, of its value in enhancing agricultural sector resilience. Despite skepticism, the team remains committed to finding solutions.

Following the workshop, the team agreed to focus on specific sectors such as rice, grains, maize, and other vegetables, conducting interviews with farmers and stakeholders in these sectors. Subsequent lab meetings will determine the sector of focus and the geographical location for pilot efforts.

Mr Surya Prasad Silwal, Chairman of the Nepal Insurance Authority, formally closed the workshop. In his closing remarks, Mr Silwal expressed gratitude to A2ii for including Nepal in the 4th edition of the lab and expressed confidence in the team's output, anticipating it would serve as a replicable model for other agriculture centers in Nepal.

14 February 2024

Senegal national workshops take place

On 14-15 February, the first national workshop of the 4th iii-lab took place in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. The workshop was opened with remarks by Mr Mamadou Deme, Director of Insurance at the Ministry of Finance and Budget of Senegal, and Mr Rogier Hekking, Deputy Ambassador of the Netherlands.

The two days were filled with both concentrated discussion and personal exchanges within the national multi-stakeholder team, consisting of representatives from ministries, including the insurance regulator, brokers, industry, consumer associations, civil society, and international organisations.

The participants not only brought their diverse institutional backgrounds and knowledge to the table, but shared their unique perspective on the impact of climate change and the various ways inclusive insurance can protect the most vulnerable segments of the population. As one of the lab participants put it, “In 10 years, maybe we can say that we were an important part of creating the protection that everyone can have in Senegal today.”

To address the impact of climate change in Senegal, the group decided on an initial focus on the vulnerable segments of the population such as smallholder farmers, fisherfolk, and garbage collectors. They also chose to include a gender focus and examine how insurance regulation can support innovative and inclusive solutions to increasing resilience. Following the workshop, the national team will split into smaller working groups to map the stakeholder landscape and use interviews to further define the scope of their project.

08 November 2023

Three countries selected

Congratulations to all three selected country teams from Armenia, Nepal and Senegal! 

Each multistakeholder country team will be embarking on a one-year journey to develop innovative solutions to increase resilience of the most vulnerable segments in their societies against the impacts of climate change. 

In the coming weeks, insurance supervisors from the three selected countries will start the convening process to put together their multistakeholder country teams. In early 2024, the teams will come together for the first iii-lab workshops to develop innovative solutions guided by the question: How can you innovate for achieving climate resilience in your jurisdiction?   

Once again, we are happy to partner with Reos Partners for the facilitation of the programme.  

See the announcement on LinkedIn