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Presentaciones, Informes y publicaciones, Seguro contra los riesgos climáticos y desastres naturales, Temas emergentes, América Latina y el Caribe | 2019

Climate and disaster risk: building resilience, bridging the protection gap 15th Consultative Forum Report

Poor and vulnerable people in emerging markets and developing countries are affected most by natural disasters. They suffer disproportionately due to their higher vulnerability and exposure and lower ability to cope and recover. In 2019, our Consultative Forums will explore how insurance providers, policymakers, insurance regulators and supervisors can collaborate to reduce the protection gap and help to build resilience in the face of climate risk and natural disasters. The 15th Consultative Forum provides a platform for dialogue between these stakeholders, as well as the opportunity to meet with and learn from colleagues and experts involved in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation from Latin America and other regions.


Senior representatives of insurance regulatory and supervisory authorities, supervisors from other relevant sectors, policymakers, insurers, brokers, climate change experts, aggregators, and international development partners.

Key themes:

  1. Why does the protection gap exist and why does it need to be addressed urgently?
  2. What roles can different stakeholders play in building resilience to natural catastrophes related to climate change?
  3. Is insurance always the best – and only solution? What other disaster risk management approaches could be adopted to help solve the enormous challenges?
  4. How can regional and sovereign disaster risk financing tools and microinsurance reinforce and not undermine one another?


Key messages:








The 15th Consultative Forum is organised by the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), the Microinsurance Network (MiN) and the InsuResilience Global Partnership. It will take place alongside the FSI – ASSAL – IAIS Regional Seminar for Insurance Supervisors of Latin America (8-10 May 2019) and will be hosted by the Superintendencia de Seguros y Reaseguros de Panamá and supported by the Association of Insurance Supervisors of Latin America (ASSAL).


Also in Seguro contra los riesgos climáticos y desastres naturales

Informes y publicaciones, Seguro contra los riesgos climáticos y desastres naturales, Temas emergentes, África, Asia y el pacifico, América Latina y el Caribe | 2020

Summary of the 15th, 16th, and 17th Consultative Forums in 2019 - “Climate and disaster risk: building resilience, bridging the protection gap”

Informes y publicaciones, Seguro contra los riesgos climáticos y desastres naturales, Temas emergentes, Global | 2020

Seguros de riesgo climático para los subatendidos y vulnerables: ¿Cuál es el rol que los supervisores de seguros desempeñan en el fomento de su desarrollo responsable? – A2ii-IAIS Llamada de Consulta

Informes y publicaciones, Seguro contra los riesgos climáticos y desastres naturales, Temas emergentes, Global | 2019

El rol de los supervisores de seguros en los seguros contra riesgo climático

Fotos y videos, Presentaciones, Seguro contra los riesgos climáticos y desastres naturales, Temas emergentes, África | 2019

Climate and Disaster Risk - Climate and disaster risk: building resilience, bridging the protection gap 16th Consultative Forum in Africa Report

Presentaciones, Informes y publicaciones, Seguro contra los riesgos climáticos y desastres naturales, Temas emergentes, Global | 2018

Riesgos del Cambio Climático para el Sector Asegurador – llamada de consulta de A2ii-IAIS, noviembre de 2018

Presentaciones, Seguro contra los riesgos climáticos y desastres naturales, Temas emergentes, Global | 2018

Seguros de Riesgo Climático y la herramienta InsuResilience – A2ii-IAIS Llamada de Consulta

Informes y publicaciones, Seguro contra los riesgos climáticos y desastres naturales, Global | 2017

La Importancia de la Regulación de los Seguros para Crear Resiliencia ante los Desastres – A2ii-IAIS Llamada de Consulta

Informes y publicaciones, Seguro contra los riesgos climáticos y desastres naturales, Seguro indexado, Asia y el pacifico | 2017

Una exploración de los retos que surgen al ampliar el seguro para que actúe como una estrategia de resiliencia ante desastres para los pequeños agricultores
