This Supervisory Dialogue event provided an overview of how informality is affecting insurance markets, examined the risks and focused on the challenges faced by insurance supervisors as a result.
The event also provided a platform for peer to peer information sharing on the topic. Presentations were made of the approaches taken by supervisors in different regions to encourage formalisation and greater financial inclusion.
The Supervisory Dialogue brought together more than 40 supervisors and regulators from 15 jurisdictions, representing all continents. There were 9 Latin American supervisors from 8 countries: Argentina (SSN), Costa Rica (SUGESE), El Salvador (SSF), Guatemala (SIB), Mexico (CNSF), Paraguay (Banco Central), Peru (SBS) and Brazil (SUSEP and CVM).
Retour à Formalisation
Rapports et publications, Formalisation, Amérique latine et Caraïbes | 2018
Supervisory Dialogue on the impact of informality on insurance markets - what supervisors can do
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Présentations, Rapports et publications, Formalisation, Global | 2015