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Rapports et publications, Assurance indicielle, Sujets émergents, Global | 2021
In recent years, significant developments have been seen in index-based insurance. Good results are stemming from innovative and more accurate indices - jurisdictions are better adapting business

Rapports et publications, Climate Risk/Disaster Insurance, Sujets émergents, Afrique, Asie-Pacifique, Amérique latine et Caraïbes | 2020
Stimuler le dialogue : les autorités de réglementation et de contrôle des assurances, les décideurs politiques, les assureurs, les réassureurs, les courtiers, les experts du changement climatique, les

Rapports et publications, Climate Risk/Disaster Insurance, Sujets émergents, Global | 2020
This consultation call took place on 30 January 2020 and was based on A2ii's thematic report: the role of insurance supervisors in climate risk insurance . The call provided highlights from the

Présentations, Rapports et publications, Sujets émergents, Global | 2020
Advancements in digital technologies brings both benefits and challenges to the insurance industry, and the financial sector in general. In recent years, cloud computing is increasingly being used in

Rapports et publications, Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab, Principes de base de l'assurance inclusive, Sujets émergents, Global | 2020
The Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab (iii-lab) brought together a wide range of stakeholders of the inclusive insurance sector from four participating countries (Albania, Ghana, Kenya and Mongolia)