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Conduite sur le marché et protection du consommateur, AssurTech et assurance mobile, Principes de base de l'assurance inclusive, Sujets émergents | 2014

Challenges and opportunities in enhancing client value in insurance – the African experience with new technologies - 2nd Consultative Forum

New technologies are rapidly accelerating access to financial services, particularly in the emerging markets. In the last couple of years, some African countries have experienced rapid growth in mobile network operator (MNO) driven insurance schemes. Technologies need to work both at the front end, i.e. the client interface, but also at the back-end where the sheer volume of micro policies can challenge administrative capacities.


Également dans Sujets émergents

Rapports et publications, AssurTech et assurance mobile, Sujets émergents, Afrique, MENA | 2016

Produits innovants pour les consommateurs émergents 6 ème Forum consultatif
