12 posts | Page 1 of 3

05.11.2018 | Articles
On 24 October the IAIS, A2ii and Microinsurance Network in partnership with the Association of Insurance Supervisors of Latin America (ASSAL) and the Superintendencia de Seguros de la Nación (SSN)

30.05.2018 | Articles
Digital technologies are rapidly changing the insurance landscape worldwide. In Africa currently, mobile insurance is prevalent, but other digital technologies are on the rise too, helping to provide

23.05.2018 | Articles
Digital technologies are rapidly changing the insurance landscape worldwide. In Africa currently, mobile insurance is prevalent, but other digital technologies are on the rise too, helping to provide

30.03.2018 | Articles
View the presentations here. The 12th Consultative Forum (CF12) on the topic of InsurTech: rising to the regulatory challenge took place on 20 March in Colombo, Sri Lanka gathering high-ranking

09.11.2017 | Articles
Over the course of this year, the A2ii has worked with supervisors to understand better the unique regulatory challenges and opportunities of using mobile insurance. However, we are seeing that the