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Présentations, Rapports et publications, Supervision fondée sur les risques, Global | 2015

Le contrôle fondé sur le risque dans l’assurance inclusive - Compte-rendu de la 11e Consultation téléphonique A2ii-AICA

On the topic: Prudential supervision should be both risk-based and proportionate. These criteria are equally relevant when supervising insurers operating in the conventional insurance market and those
Présentations, Rapports et publications, Modèles d'affaires, Global | 2015

Approches actuarielles pour les marchés d’assurance inclusifs - Compte-rendu de la 10e Consultation téléphonique A2ii-AICA

On the topic: Actuarial capacity is a challenge in most inclusive insurance markets. It is for this reason that the IAIS in close collaboration with the International Actuarial Association (IAA) will
Présentations, Rapports et publications, Mutuelles, coopératives et organismes communautaires, Global | 2015

Mutuelles, coopératives et organisations communautaires (MCOC) - Consultation téléphonique

On the topic: At the request of the IAIS the 9th Consultation Call focused on "Mutuals, Cooperatives and Community Based Organisations (MCCOs) ". The IAIS is currently working on the development of an
Présentations, Rapports et publications, Formalisation, Global | 2015

Formalisation Consultation Call Report

On the topic: Some countries had, or still have a significant magnitude of informal insurance activity, in particular in areas such as funeral and health insurance, or credit life insurance provided
Présentations, Rapports et publications, Éducation des consommateurs, Global | 2015

Education financière des consommateurs - Consultation téléphonique A2ii-AICA

On the topic: Participants on the call will discuss the role of insurance supervisory authorities in developing and implementing effective national financial literacy and consumer education strategies