Le manque de demande d'assurance est l'un des obstacles les plus importants au développement des marchés de l'assurance inclusive et responsable. La population peu ou pas servie ne connaît
From 18-22th of June, supervisors from French-speaking Africa came together in Rabat, Morocco for a training programme that went over the fundamentals of supervising inclusive insurance markets. The
We are pleased to announce the Inclusive Insurance Training Program for Supervisors in Asia jointly organised by the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), the ASEAN Insurance Training and Research
La cybercriminalité gagne du terrain partout sur la planète et les répercussions de ce type d’incident sur le secteur financier dans son ensemble, mais en particulier sur le secteur des assurances
Actuarial Training Photo Gallery We are pleased to invite you to the Training “Capacity Building for Insurance Supervisors - Leveraging Actuarial Skills” in Indonesia, Jakarta, jointly organised by
The 2018 Annual Conference of the Caribbean Association of Insurance Regulators (CAIR) took place from 20-22 June 2018 in St. Kitts & Nevis. The topic of the conference, which brought together 56
For English scroll down. El Programa de Capacitación en Seguros Inclusivos para Supervisores de América Latina es organizado conjuntamente por la Superintendencia General de Seguros (SUGESE), la