09.11.2017 | Actualités
PRESS RELEASE: 9 November 2017 Over sixty high-ranking representatives, from South and Central America, Africa and Asia, from the insurance industry and regulatory and supervisory bodies, gathered at

30.05.2018 | Articles
Digital technologies are rapidly changing the insurance landscape worldwide. In Africa currently, mobile insurance is prevalent, but other digital technologies are on the rise too, helping to provide

05.11.2018 | Articles
On 24 October the IAIS, A2ii and Microinsurance Network in partnership with the Association of Insurance Supervisors of Latin America (ASSAL) and the Superintendencia de Seguros de la Nación (SSN)

12.12.2018 | Rapports et publications
This call took a closer look at the IAIS and Sustainable Insurance Forum (SIF) “Issues Paper on Climate Change Risks to the Insurance Sector." An overview of the impacts of climate change on the

12.02.2019 | Rapports et publications
This call took place on Thursday, 24 January 2019 and explored the risks and potential of the use of new data. Experts gave an overview of how to regulate for responsible data innovation and the role

07.05.2019 | Actualités
|Para la versión en español, desplácese hacia abajo.| The 15th Consultative Forum on Inclusive Insurance - Climate and disaster risk: building resilience, bridging the protection gap held on Tuesday 7

12.06.2019 | Rapports et publications
Le rôle du contrôleur d’assurance dans la réduction des disparités homme femme – A2ii-AICA Webinaire
This consultation call took place on Thursday, 23 May 2019, where from the Toronto Centre and Women’s World Banking explored key issues regarding barriers to access, mainstreaming gender and targeting

30.10.2019 | Actualités
The A2ii and the InsuResilience Global Partnership are jointly sponsoring participation of two senior insurance supervisors and high potential women from their authorities at the Leadership and