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07.11.2019 | Rapports et publications

Stimulating Demand: The Supervisor’s role in building Insurance Awareness – A2ii-IAIS Consultation Call

This consultation call on Thursday, 18 July 2019, and explored key issues with regard to stimulating demand and the role of the supervisor in building insurance awareness. Lack of insurance demand is
06.06.2014 | Actualités

Press Release: Policy Seminar and Consultative Forum Kigali

Deep Dive into “Challenges and opportunities in enhancing client value in insurance – the African experience with new technologies." The African Insurance Organization (AIO), the Access to Insurance
23.10.2017 | Rapports et publications

Regulatory Impact Assessments: Microinsurance Regulations in Peru and the Philippines

The Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) through its Impact Insurance Facility (IIF) have commissioned this study to assess the impact of
23.01.2020 | Rapports et publications

Cyber Risk in the Insurance Sector – A2ii-IAIS Consultation Call

This consultation call on Thursday, 26 September 2019, and explored key issues with regard to cyber threats and incidents in the insurance sector, regulation and supervision of cyber risks as well as
22.01.2020 | Rapports et publications

The first Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab 2017/2018 - final report

The final report has been published for the first Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab 2017/2018. The iii-lab brought together a wide range of stakeholders of the inclusive insurance sector from four
Rapports et publications, Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab, Principes de base de l'assurance inclusive, Sujets émergents, Global | 2020

Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab 2017-2018 - final report

The Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab (iii-lab) brought together a wide range of stakeholders of the inclusive insurance sector from four participating countries (Albania, Ghana, Kenya and Mongolia)
12.04.2019 | Rapports et publications

Suptech et Regtech : implications en matière de contrôle - consultation téléphonique A2ii-AICA 21 mars 2019

This consultation call took place on Thursday, 21 March 2019 , where experts from the Toronto Centre explored the implications of RegTech and SupTech on supervision. Supervisors on the call also heard
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