Rapports et publications, Assurance indicielle, Asie-Pacifique, PECO et Asie centrale | 2017
9e forum consultatif sur la supervision de l’assurance inclusive pour les spécialistes et les autorités de surveillance de l’assurance Mardi, 14 mars 2017 ; Administration monétaire de Singapour

Conduite sur le marché et protection du consommateur, AssurTech et assurance mobile, Principes de base de l'assurance inclusive, Sujets émergents | 2014
New technologies are rapidly accelerating access to financial services, particularly in the emerging markets. In the last couple of years, some African countries have experienced rapid growth in

Rapports et publications, Diagnostics de pays, Asie-Pacifique | 2014
This report provides an overview of the development of Mongolia’s insurance market in general and the microinsurance segment in particular, identifying gaps in the insurance regulatory framework that

Rapports et publications, Stratégies nationales d'inclusion financière, Développement des marchés, Principes de base de l'assurance inclusive, Global | 2014
The note describes the role of insurance for development and the concept of pathways to development. On the promotion pathway insurance promotes development objectives such as private, agricultural

Rapports et publications, Diagnostics de pays, Asie-Pacifique | 2013
This report summarises the current regulatory framework relevant to microinsurance in Thailand and analyses the implications of the current regulatory context for the development of inclusive

Rapports et publications, Principes de base de l'assurance inclusive, Global | 2013
This module on regulation and supervision supporting inclusive insurance markets was developed in 2013 as a cooperative project of the IAIS and the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii). The module