Partner events
Asian Insurance Meet
Event Report:
The Nepal Insurance Authority (NIA) together with the IAIS, A2ii, and Asian Development Bank (ADB) jointly organised the Asian Insurance Meet (AIM). The three-day event, with the theme of "Building Resilience of Insurance towards Emerging Risks", addressed emerging issues facing Asian insurance supervisors and industry players and brought them together to share experiences and insights. Around 350 participants attended.
The first day was for insurance supervisors only, with a morning session from the A2ii and IAIS on risk-based solvency regimes and risk-based capital frameworks, followed by an afternoon session where the A2ii focused on digital innovation and index insurance. Lastly, the A2ii and the ADB held a joint capacity building session, presenting A2ii training opportunities, services, and resources and identifying capacity building needs.
On the second day, both supervisors and industry members attended. IAIS and A2ii gave a joint presentation on climate change and the role of insurance supervisors in climate risk insurance, which was followed by a series of panel discussions on: the role of insurers and reinsurers, earthquake insurance experiences from Asia, and agriculture insurance.
On the final day A2ii’s FeMa Meter, a tool kit for sex-disaggregated data, was presented as an initial effort in addressing protection gaps related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

Event announcement:
The Nepal Insurance Authority is pleased to invite you to “Asian Insurance Meet 2023”, a three-day conference, with the theme "Building Resilience of Insurance towards Emerging Risks". The conference is being organised by Nepal Insurance Authority in cooperation with IAIS, ADB, and A2ii from 8th to 10th June, 2023 in Kathmandu, Nepal. It is exclusively tailored to insurance supervisors, international and local insurers, reinsurers, brokerage firms and other related sectors most vulnerable to the impact of emerging risks. The first day (08th June) of the conference is planned as a regulators’ meet dedicated to the insurance supervisors of the Asian region followed by the conference with numerous inspiring and insightful sessions on second and third day, 09th and 10th June respectively.
Emerging risks can have substantial impact on underwriting and investment and can be costly for insurers via increased claims, financial losses, and operational challenges. Conventional risk management is ineffective without a clear understanding of risk factors. This conference will focus particularly on the issues of impact of climate changes and risks imposed to the insurance sector, moving towards risk-based regimes, developing inclusive insurance, incorporating digital innovation, implementing index-based insurance and discuss on capacity building approaches.