Country Assessments
Country Assessments
Country Assessments
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Reports, Country Assessments, MENA | 2019
Bien que le taux de pénétration de l’assurance au Maroc soit le plus élevé en Afrique du Nord, force est de constater qu’il existe un fort potentiel encore non desservi. Environ 24 % des adultes

Reports, Country Assessments, Asia-Pacific | 2018
This report contains the findings of a diagnostic study on the provision of microinsurance to rural workers in China. The study was commissioned by the Access to Insurance Initiative and approved by

Partner Publications: MEFIN RFPI, Reports, Country Assessments, Asia-Pacific | 2018
This study highlights the different risks faced by low-income households in Nepal and their approaches to mitigating these risks, including their familiarity with and use of insurance. It highlights

Reports, Country Assessments, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2014
The Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros and AFP (SBS) from Peru has expressed in many international forums its strong commitment and interest to promote financial inclusion in the country.

Reports, Country Assessments, Asia-Pacific | 2014
This report provides an overview of the development of Mongolia’s insurance market in general and the microinsurance segment in particular, identifying gaps in the insurance regulatory framework that