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Inclusive Insurance Training Programme for Supervisors in Sub-Saharan Africa

Inclusive Insurance Training Programme that took place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania was a success. 34 representatives from insurance supervisors from 11 countries across Sub-Saharan Africa and 2 members of the Microinsurance Action Group took part in the interactive sessions.

The programme exposed insurance supervisors to how sound supervisory principles can be applied in a manner that encourages the development of an inclusive insurance market and supervisory approaches to responding to innovative solutions for inclusive insurance.

The training programme covered understanding the market, the role of the supervisor and prudential and market conduct issues in overseeing inclusive insurance markets based on the IAIS Application paper on the regulation and supervision of inclusive insurance markets and IAIS-A2ii Core Curriculum for Insurance Supervisors: Regulation and Supervision Supporting Inclusive Insurance Markets.

Participants shared their experiences in group discussions and activities. Case studies and presentations on the following topics were delivered:

  • Developing a supervisory approach to support inclusive insurance - Ghana and Tanzania;
  • Supervisory approaches to mobile insurance - Ghana; and
  • Index-based agricultural insurance - Kenya.

The participants worked on action plans to tackle specific challenges in supporting inclusive insurance markets in their home countries. The action plans are meant to help the participants put lessons learnt during the training into practice upon  return to their supervisory authorities.


The training was jointly organised by the Toronto Centre and the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), supported by the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) and hosted by the Tanzanian Insurance Regulatory Authority (TIRA).