Climate Risk/Disaster Insurance
Climate Risk/Disaster Insurance
Climate Risk/Disaster Insurance
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Reports, Index Insurance, Global | 2018
Index-based insurances is defined as insurance contracts in which a claim is defined with reference to a pre-determined index (sometimes also referred to as parametric insurance). The paper, published

Presentations, Reports, Index Insurance, Global | 2018
The use of index insurance as an alternative to traditional indemnity-based insurance has increased over the last twenty years, particularly as a mechanism for insuring against extreme weather risks

Reports, Index Insurance, Global | 2018
This paper seeks to provide a review of supervisory approaches to index insurance and to set out some of the regulatory and supervisory challenges faced by insurance supervisors. It is drawing on the

Reports, Climate Risk/Disaster Insurance, Global | 2017
There is growing awareness of the exposure of countries, private and public sector entities and individuals to potentially crushing economic loss as the result of natural disasters. There is also a

Reports, Index Insurance, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2017
Read the Briefing Note to find out what were the key findings and lessons learned from the 11th Consultative Forum which took place in Lima, Peru on November 6, 2017. The underlying goal of the Forum