InsurTech and Mobile Insurance
InsurTech and Mobile Insurance
InsurTech and Mobile Insurance
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Photo & Video, Presentations, Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Asia-Pacific, Global | 2018
InsurTech — the variety of emerging technologies and innovative business models that have the potential to transform the insurance business — holds vast potential for improvements in insurance product

Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Global | 2017
Supervising InsurTech (September 2017) Emerging technological innovations in the insurance value chain are confronting supervisors with new questions. Consumers’ needs have evolved, distribution

Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Africa | 2017
From 23-24 February 2017, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) and Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets (CIMA) hosted the

Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Africa, Global | 2017
This document serves as a preliminary summary of a larger study commissioned by the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) for 2017. The summary provides a review of supervisory approaches to mobile

Presentations, Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Data Protection, Global | 2016
On the topic: There has been a rapid growth in mobile insurance, especially over the past five years. Yet for a domain where so much is happening and where more players (e.g. mobile network operators