Proportionate regulation
We produce reports, policy notes and briefing sheets to inform insurance supervisors/regulators and policy makers on key inclusive insurance topics
Proportionate Regulation
Proportionate Regulation
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Reports, Supervision of Intermediaries, Market Conduct and Consumer Protection, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2016
Challenges and Opportunities Presented by Alternative Distribution Channels - 8th Consultative Forum
New distribution avenues challenge supervisory practices. Distribution is key to providing suitable insurance coverage to low-income and excluded populations. As insurers are faced with low profit

Presentations, Reports, Risk based supervision, Global | 2015
On the topic: Prudential supervision should be both risk-based and proportionate. These criteria are equally relevant when supervising insurers operating in the conventional insurance market and those

Presentations, Reports, Licensing and Formalisation, Global | 2015
On the topic: Some countries had, or still have a significant magnitude of informal insurance activity, in particular in areas such as funeral and health insurance, or credit life insurance provided

Reports, Product Oversight, Global | 2014
On the topic: Inclusive insurance markets require a proportionate approach to product oversight including product standards. Supervisors have different options for product oversight before and after

Presentations, Proportionate Regulation, Africa, Global | 2012
On May 30-31, 2012, the African Insurance Organization (AIO), the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), and the programme Promoting Financial Sector Dialogue in Africa: Making Finance Work for Africa