Training Modules and Tools
Training Modules and Tools
Training Modules and Tools
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Presentations, Reports, ICP (Self) Assessment, Global | 2019
What is ICP SAT and how does it work? The ICP Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) is a joint initiative of the IAIS and the A2ii. It uses the analytic tools from the Peer Review Process (the self-assessment

Reports, Toolkits, ICP (Self) Assessment, Global | 2017
The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) and the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) conducted the Self-Assessment and Peer Review (SAPR) on Regulation and Supervision

Reports, Toolkits, ICP (Self) Assessment, Global | 2017
The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) and the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) conducted the Self-Assessment and Peer Review (SAPR) on Regulation and Supervision

Reports, Toolkits, Training Modules and Tools, Global | 2014
A financially sound insurance sector contributes to economic growth and well-being by supporting the management of risk, allocation of resources, and mobilization of long-term savings. The Insurance

Reports, Toolkits, Regulatory Impact Assessment, Training Modules and Tools, Global | 2014
This document outlines the analytical framework and methodology for conducting a microinsurance country diagnostic study. It is designed to assist readers who wish to gain a deeper understanding of