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Mobile Insurance

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Photo & Video, Presentations, Climate Risk/Disaster Insurance, Emerging Topics, Africa | 2019

Climate and Disaster Risk - Climate and disaster risk: building resilience, bridging the protection gap 16th Consultative Forum in Africa

Poor and vulnerable people in the developing world are affected most by natural disasters. They suffer disproportionately due to their higher vulnerability and exposure and lower ability to cope and
Presentations, Reports, Climate Risk/Disaster Insurance, Emerging Topics, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2019

Climate and disaster risk: building resilience, bridging the protection gap 15th Consultative Forum Report

Poor and vulnerable people in emerging markets and developing countries are affected most by natural disasters. They suffer disproportionately due to their higher vulnerability and exposure and lower
Presentations, Reports, Gender, Global | 2019

Bridging the Gender Gap: The role of the Insurance Supervisor – A2ii-IAIS Consultation Call, May 2019

Intergrating a gender perspective in regulation and supervision is key to increasing financial inclusion. Compared to men, women form a significant part of the underinsured segment of the population
Presentations, Reports, RegTech and SupTech, Global | 2019

RegTech and SupTech: Implications for Supervision – A2ii-IAIS Consultation Call, March 2019

The emergence of supervisory technology for regulators (SupTech) and the use of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning among other automated processes for reporting, monitoring and to
Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Global | 2019

InsurTech – Rising to the Regulatory Challenge | A summary of IAIS-A2ii-MIN Consultative Forums 2018 for Asia, Africa and Latin America

Over the course of 2018, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) and Microinsurance Network (MiN) organised three Consultative Forums