Supervision of Intermediaries
Supervision of Intermediaries
Supervision of Intermediaries
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Presentations, Inclusive Insurance Fundamentals, Global | 2010
The Financial Stability Institute of the Bank for International Settlements provided for the second time this forum for discussion on matters related to microinsurance and financial inclusion of the
Presentations, Inclusive Insurance Fundamentals, Global | 2010
80 senior policymakers, industry and development experts from over 20 countries met in Berlin on May 3 to discuss how to improve access to financial services, particularly insurance, to the poor
Presentations, Inclusive Insurance Fundamentals, Global | 2010
Presentation at International Conference "Enabling Microinsurance Markets - Overcoming the challenges for the insurance industry, regulators and supervisors", 03 May 2010 in Berlin, Germany.
Presentations, Inclusive Insurance Fundamentals, Global | 2010
Presentation at Expert Round Table for Insurance Supervisors on the G-20 Financial Inclusion Process on 04 May 2010 in Berlin, Germany.
Presentations, Inclusive Insurance Fundamentals, Global | 2010
Presentations from the Policy Seminar on Access to Insurance for Insurance Regulators and Supervisors in Dakar on 2 November 2009. Among these, Martina Wiedmaier-Pfister introduced global Policy and