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Inclusive Insurance Fundamentals

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Reports, Regulatory Impact Assessment, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2024

Assessing the impact of inclusive insurance regulations in Brazil

Click here to watch the recording of the launch event in English or Spanish. Author: Regina Simões “Microinsurance regulations” or “inclusive insurance regulations” have been in place in many
Reports, Gender, Global, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2023

A2ii and SSN publish joint report on the Gender Equity Survey of the Argentinian Insurance Market

Versión en español a continuación Globally, only 13% of countries [1] allocate budget funding to gender statistics. However, this information is vital for drafting evidence-based policies that pursue
Reports, Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab, Global | 2023

Second Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab 2020-2021 Final Report

The second Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab (iii-lab) took place from March 2020 to November 2021, bringing together a broad range of stakeholders of the inclusive insurance sector from four
Reports, Pandemic Risk, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2023

Closing the protection gap – pandemic risks - Session Report from the ASSAL-IAIS Regional Training Seminar

Author: Regina Simões The ASSAL-IAIS Regional Training Seminar for Insurance Supervisors on “Challenges of Insurance Systems in Latin America”, was co-organised by the Latin American Association of
Reports, Gender, Global | 2022

Case Study: Innovating for inclusive insurance targeting women customers - involving insurance supervisors in the process

To be able to provide well-designed insurance solutions that address the needs of low-income and excluded customers in a manner that is customer-friendly but also economically sustainable, calls for