Inclusive Insurance Fundamentals
Inclusive Insurance Fundamentals
Inclusive Insurance Fundamentals
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Presentations, Reports, Emerging Topics, Global | 2018
When stimulating innovation, there are limits to what a supervisory authority can achieve alone. Inter-institutional cooperation is a powerful tool for responding to new market trends and for creating
Presentations, Reports, Index Insurance, Global | 2018
The use of index insurance as an alternative to traditional indemnity-based insurance has increased over the last twenty years, particularly as a mechanism for insuring against extreme weather risks
Reports, Country Assessments, Asia-Pacific | 2018
This report contains the findings of a diagnostic study on the provision of microinsurance to rural workers in China. The study was commissioned by the Access to Insurance Initiative and approved by
Partner Publications: MEFIN RFPI, Reports, Country Assessments, Asia-Pacific | 2018
This study highlights the different risks faced by low-income households in Nepal and their approaches to mitigating these risks, including their familiarity with and use of insurance. It highlights
Presentations, Reports, MSME Insurance, Global | 2018
On this call, we explored what MSMEs are and why they are important. We talked about the risks that MSMEs generally face, how they manage them, and their insurance needs. The resulting report attempts