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Supervision of Intermediaries

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Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Global | 2017

Supervising InsurTech 24th A2ii-IAIS Consultation Call Report

Supervising InsurTech (September 2017) Emerging technological innovations in the insurance value chain are confronting supervisors with new questions. Consumers’ needs have evolved, distribution
Presentations, Reports, Disclosure of Information, Global | 2017

Proportionate approaches to disclosure of information Consultation Call Report

O n this call, we examined the practical aspects of proportional disclosure regulation, which can encourage the industry to offer inclusive insurance while ensuring consumer protection. This call also
Reports, Climate Risk/Disaster Insurance, Global | 2017

The Importance of Insurance Regulation in Disaster Resilience - A2ii-IAIS Consultation Call

There is growing awareness of the exposure of countries, private and public sector entities and individuals to potentially crushing economic loss as the result of natural disasters. There is also a
Presentations, Reports, Monitoring and KPIs, Global | 2017

Measuring insurance development: beyond the insurance penetration rate Consultation Call Report

The insurance penetration rate is traditionally calculated based on total premiums as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This has served as a useful high-level measure of insurance
Presentations, Reports, Reinsurance, Global | 2017

Reinsurance 20th A2ii-IAIS Consultation Call Report

In response to requests from the IAIS Executive Committee as well as Latin American supervisors the next A2ii-IAIS Consultation Call will be on the topic of reinsurance. The call focused on