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Supervision of Intermediaries

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Reports, Regulatory Impact Assessment, Country Assessments, Asia-Pacific, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2017

Regulatory Impact Assessments: Microinsurance Regulations in Peru and the Philippines

The Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) through its Impact Insurance Facility (IIF) have commissioned this study to assess the impact of
Reports, Index Insurance, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2017

Scaling up insurance as a disaster resilience strategy for smallholder farmers in Latin America - 11th Consultative Forum

Read the Briefing Note to find out what were the key findings and lessons learned from the 11th Consultative Forum which took place in Lima, Peru on November 6, 2017. The underlying goal of the Forum

A2ii launches the Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab – Applications now closed

This unique new A2ii capacity building tool has been developed in partnership with the Global Leadership Academy (GLAC). The Lab is a sequence of national and international workshops for insurance
Reports, MCCOs, Global | 2017

IAIS Application Paper on the Regulation and Supervision of Mutuals, Cooperatives and Community Based Organisations.

This paper, published on September 20th, is primarily focused on providing guidance to insurance supervisors who are seeking to enhance financial inclusion in their markets through use of Mutuals, Cooperatives and Community Based Organisations (MCCOs).

A2ii hosts a regulatory panel discussion on MSMEs in Ulaanbaatar

On 21 September, the A2ii hosted a panel discussion at the two-day Asia Learning Session and Public and Private Dialogue (PPD3) on Inclusive Insurance for MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterpreises) in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. This was a third event in a series of dialogues between regulators and industry leaders, amongst which the MEFIN (the Mutual Exchange Forum on Inclusive Insurance) members featured prominently, to discuss good practices, lessons and next steps in regulations, business models and consumer protection.