The report and presentations of this call can be found on this page
Presentations, Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Global, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2019
On 24 October the IAIS, A2ii and Microinsurance Network in partnership with the Association of Insurance Supervisors of Latin America (ASSAL) and the Superintendencia de Seguros de la Nación (SSN)
Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab 2017/2018
Reports, National Financial Inclusion Strategies, Global | 2018
This report summarizes the status quo and lessons learnt on inclusive insurance in National Financial Inclusion Strategies (NFIS), based on a survey as well as four country case studies. For more than
Reports, Emerging Topics, Data Protection, Global | 2018
Data innovation is challenging the traditional role of insurance regulators. Two major dilemmas emerge that insurance regulators and indeed all financial sector regulators face when confronted with
Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Africa, Global | 2018
Digital technologies are rapidly changing the insurance landscape worldwide. In Africa currently, mobile insurance is prevalent, but other digital technologies are on the rise too, helping to provide
Presentations, Reports, Fraud, Global | 2018
Insurance fraud is a phenomenon that every supervisory authority comes into contact with sooner or later, and if left unchecked it can seriously harm the health of the insurance market. On this