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11.11.2021 | News

A2ii-IAIS-SIF welcome supervisors to a new training module: Supervision of climate-related risks in the insurance sector

The training module ‘Supervision of climate risks in the insurance sector’ is a result of collaboration between the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii), the International Association of Insurance
09.11.2021 | News

Twitter Interview on 24 November on 'The Role of Insurance Supervisors in Boosting Women's Access to Insurance'

Please join us for an interview via live tweets on Twitter on Wednesday, 24 November at 16:00 CET Click here to see your local time zone. We welcome you to follow along via our Twitter account or to
09.11.2021 | Newsletters

A2ii Newsletter 11/21

Welcome! In this newsletter, we provide you with updates on the work of the A2ii, events and publications, and experiences and learning on inclusive insurance regulation and supervision across
01.11.2021 | Carolyn Barsulai | Climate and disaster risk, SDG 13: Climate Action

Supervision of climate-related risks in the insurance sector

COP26 begins today. Climate change is no longer seen as a projection for emerging or new risks but an ongoing reality that threatens the stability of the financial system and the insurance sector as a whole.
26.10.2021 | News

A2ii publishes its 2020 Annual Report

In the blog post Empowering Regulators - Developing Communities: A2ii 2020 Annual Report Hannah Grant, the Head of A2ii Secretariat introduces the report of A2ii's activities for 2020 - year marked by
26.10.2021 | Hannah Grant | A2ii, Covid-19, Inclusive Insurance

Empowering Regulators - Developing Communities: A2ii 2020 Annual Report

Once again, I have the pleasure to present the A2ii 2020 Annual Report.  Throughout 2020, the A2ii experienced many changes. What remained constant was our commitment to adjust our activities to the context of the Covid-19 crisis to meet the ever-changing situation and needs of supervisors.
11.10.2021 | News

A2ii Newsflash| Ghana’s new insurance law aims to increase insurance penetration and allow for new innovative insurers

The new Insurance Act 2021 (Act 1061) has been enacted in Ghana. It replaces the previous Insurance Act of 2006, Act 724 to bring the regulation of the insurance industry into conformity with
06.10.2021 | Newsletters

A2ii Newsletter 10/21

Welcome! In this newsletter, we provide you with updates on the work of the A2ii, events and publications, and experiences and learning on inclusive insurance regulation and supervision across
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