A2ii publishes its 2020 Annual Report
A2ii publishes its 2020 Annual Report
In the blog post Empowering Regulators - Developing Communities: A2ii 2020 Annual Report Hannah Grant, the Head of A2ii Secretariat introduces the report of A2ii's activities for 2020 - year marked by the breakout of the global pandemic and changing circumstances.
How did supervisors cope, how did A2ii adjust to meet the new normal and supervisory needs, what is the outlook for building back a more resilient world?
What is clear is that all hands will be needed on deck to help put development progress back on track. A2ii will remain committed to this within our mission and interactions with supervisors.... The support of international financial institutions and the development community is vital in tackling the
current crisis but also for keeping a close eye on the 2030 development agenda, accelerating
financial inclusion and particularly the role of insurance within. - Hannah Grant
Download the A2ii 2020 Annual Report publication.
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