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Regina Simões

Regina is the A2ii Regional Coordinator for Latin America. From 1994-2015, Regina worked at the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP), the Brazilian Insurance Supervisor. As the International Relations Coordinator (2004-2008), she liaised with international bodies and supervisory associations and was member of the Brazilian Delegations at the Financial Services Group Meetings in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Insurance Commission/SGT-4 at Mercosul.

Jonathan Dixon

Jonathan Dixon is the Secretary-General of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS). He has contributed to the IAIS since 2009 first as a member of the IAIS Executive Committee and from 2012  as Chair of the Implementation Committee. 

Jonathan worked as Chair of the Governing Council for the Access to Insurance Initiative, where his leadership on inclusive and responsible insurance has been highly regarded.

06.04.2020 | Pascale Lamb | Covid-19, UK

Covid-19: The response of the UK Financial Conduct Authority

In December 2019, before COVID-19 unfolded into a global crisis, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and Bank of England published a joint consultation paper on how to strengthen operational resilience in financial institutions. The new requirements were in response to IT failures within the financial sector. Most strikingly the proposals introduce a new paradigm of outward-facing awareness where firms must factor in their impact on their customers and the financial system as a whole. Firms should no longer consider operational resilience to be constrained within their balance sheet. In hindsight, this was a timely publication, and these proposals were a clear precursor to the UK regulators’ response to COVID-19.
06.04.2020 | Andrea Camargo | Consumer Protection, Covid-19

Covid-19: A new impetus to enable access to insurance for the most vulnerable

The coronavirus pandemic presents an opportunity for all stakeholders involved in promoting access to insurance to be more empathetic with those who usually lack financial resilience and to realise the urgent need to narrow the insurance gap to make them more resilient. This crisis should provide the insurance industry and supervisors with the impetus to enable and promote innovation to unlock access to valuable insurance products for those who need them the most and build trust in a responsible insurance market.
06.04.2020 | Hui Lin Chiew | Covid-19, Malaysia, Prudential

Covid-19: On approaches to solvency requirements so far

In light of the ongoing Covid-19 situation, regulators worldwide have been forced to respond quickly in terms of prudential and consumer protection measures, as well as operational relief. To date, prudential measures have been observed to be stronger in the banking sector. The scale of impact on the solvency positions of the insurance sector is still unfolding, and so most insurance supervisors  are currently  closely monitoring insurance assets and liabilities, investment portfolios and liquidity, all the while maintaining constant engagement with insurers.
06.04.2020 | Hannah Grant | Covid-19

Covid-19: Sustaining responsible regulatory response during the crisis

The fight against the global pandemic has imposed new dynamics for how we live, work and interact with our friends and family. We do not know what our lives will look like in the months to come, but many people will likely fall into poverty, and many businesses will not manage to bounce back. The most severely affected are vulnerable populations who face a higher personal economic risk due to a lack of savings or alternative coping strategies.

Hannah Grant

Hannah Grant was Head of the Secretariat until 2023. Before joining the A2ii, Hannah worked at Insurance Europe in Brussels as Head of International Affairs and Reinsurance whilst also running the Secretariat for the recently established Global Federation of Insurance Associations. After graduating from Edinburgh University, Hannah started out her career working for Lloyds of London in London.

Hui Lin Chiew

Hui Lin was the Asia-Pacific regional contact and was A2ii’s technical lead on regulatory impact and market conduct. Her work with insurance supervisors included a project with Sub-Saharan African insurance supervisors on supervisory KPIs, and piloting in-country capacity building in Asia. Prior to A2ii, Hui Lin was the inclusive insurance lead in Bank Negara Malaysia, where she led the work on the inclusive insurance regulatory framework and product assessments. Hui Lin graduated from the University of Warwick with a BSc Accounting and Finance.

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