Second Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab 2020-2021 Final Report
The second Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab (iii-lab) took place from March 2020 to November 2021, bringing together a broad range of stakeholders of the inclusive insurance sector from four participating countries: Argentina, India, Morocco and Rwanda. Over 50 participants engaged in dialogue and mutual learning and developed innovative solutions to increase uptake of insurance amongst vulnerable people and businesses by addressing the question:
How can we develop our insurance markets?
The second iii-lab had been planned as a face-to-face process with three national and three international workshops spread over 18 months. However, the programme had to be adapted due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, leading to most of the programme being conducted online and extended to 20 months. Still, the country team’s flexibility and patience allowed them to develop multiple prototypes, create lasting relationships, and carry on as leaders, advocates and innovators for inclusive insurance within their jurisdiction.
This report looks back at the results and long-term impact of the second iii-lab one-and-a-half years after its closing. It is based on insights from interviews with iii-lab participants at regular intervals after the programme ended. Download the report to learn more about second iii-lab's results. For more information on the latest updates, see also the iii-lab 2 website.
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