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Call for applications - the 3rd Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab – deadline extended to 18 June 2021

The Access to Insurance Initiative, supported by InsuResilience Global Partnership and Reos Partners, is calling for applications for the 3rd iii-lab - the climate lab.

What is it about?

The 3rd Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab (iii-lab) 2021-2022 is an international capacity-building programme where 3-4 country teams composed of key stakeholders from the insurance sector will work on innovative insurance solutions to tackle one of the greatest global threats of our time – the impact of climate change, especially on the most vulnerable segments of the population.

The iii-lab will be guided by the following question:

How can we help to increase resilience of the most vulnerable segments in our society against the impacts of climate change through innovative insurance solutions? 

Why participate?

  • Learn about emerging international climate risk insurance solutions from international experts
  • Reduce the insurance protection gap in respect of climate risks
  • Engage in peer-exchange with other country teams
  • Develop personally and strengthen your leadership skills
  • Build alliances and collective capacity to act and create impact, not only in this lab but in future endeavors.

Throughout the change process, you will be accompanied by highly experienced change facilitators to equip you and your team to take leadership within your organisations.

What is the supervisor’s role in the iii-lab process?

Insurance supervisors apply to the iii-lab on behalf of the teams and will lead country teams during the entire process. A2ii and Reos Partners will accompany insurance supervisors in putting together the country teams once jurisdictions have been selected. The insurance supervisor’s team should be represented by at least one executive/ decision-making level and one mid-level representative.

Teams will be composed of representatives from approximately eight local institutions that represent the supply and demand side, inter alia insurance industry as well as consumer representatives and policymakers that are best suited to address the challenge at hand. For each institution, up to two representatives can participate: at least one executive-level and possibly one high-potential mid-level staff member. A gender balance should be aimed for within the country teams.

When and where?

The iii-lab will take place from September 2021 to September 2022. During this time, it is essential that all participants attend all the planned workshops and meetings, whether in-person or virtual. The precise dates and locations of the workshops will depend on which countries are selected and on the respective Covid-19 situation. In addition to participating in the national and international workshops, participants are expected to dedicate time between the meetings for exchange within their country team, to actively participate in regular meetings of the country team, as well as in the design and implementation of the insurance innovations for building climate risk resilience (approximately 20-25 days in total).

Who can apply?

Supervisory authorities apply on behalf of the country teams. The teams will be composed of representatives from approximately eight institutions including:

  • Insurance supervisor and regulator
  • Insurance associations
  • Industry representatives (brokers/intermediaries, MFIs etc.)  
  • Policymakers (Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, etc.) 
  • Tech representatives (satellite data, MNO, etc.)
  • Consumer representatives (women’s association, farmers’ associations, etc.)
  • Other stakeholders perceived to be essential in the jurisdiction. 

For each institution, up to two representatives can participate: at least one executive-level and possibly one high-potential mid-level staff member. A gender balance should be aimed for within the country teams. 

Please note: supervisors do not need to have the country team ready at the time of the application. A2ii will accompany selected insurance supervisors in putting together the country teams.

How to apply

To apply, insurance supervisors should send:

1. A letter of endorsement from the Head of Authority (i.e. Insurance Commissioner)

2. A one-page letter of motivation guided by the following questions: 

  • What keeps you up at night when you think about climate change impacting your country?
  • What is working well and what not so well in the insurance sector when it comes to managing climate risks and building resilience?
  • What is in it for you? What motivated you to apply to join the iii-lab? 
  • If there was one innovation or change that would come out of the iii-lab for your country what would you like that to be? (i.e. What are you expecting to get out of the iii-lab?) 
  • We have a limited number of seats - why your country and not someone else? What do you think you have to offer to the international work of the iii-lab?

Please send these documents to before 18 June 2021. Short-listed supervisors will be invited to a video interview.

The following selection criteria will guide the selection process:

  • Motivation to actively participate in the Lab, is committed and has the support of the Head of Authority;
  • Openness to search for new solutions collaboratively with other stakeholders;
  • Commitment and demonstration of ability that the country team can sustain the initiated processes after the one-year lab comes to an end; and
  • Strong potential for the country lab to act as a role model and catalyst in the region.


There are no participants’ fees for the iii-lab. However, participating country teams are expected to cover the costs for flight and accommodation during in-person lab meetings. The international workshops are to be hosted by a country team member. Individual country team members unable to cover the full costs of participation in the international workshops* can apply for a limited number of scholarships. All other costs related to the process outlined above will be covered by the A2ii.

* If the Covid-19 situation allows, the second and third international workshops could be in-person events.


Mariella Regh, A2ii Project Manager at

Visit the iii-lab website




Watch the video to find out about the journey of the first iii-lab. 


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