The A2ii launches its interactive inclusive insurance world map

The A2ii interactive Inclusive Insurance Regulation map is a searchable collection of inclusive insurance regulations from around the world.
The map incorporates data sourced through A2ii's research, work and interaction with supervisory authorities worldwide. As such, it is by no means exhaustive and the information within is continuously updated to the best of A2ii's knowledge. To find out about legislation around the world, simply click on a country or explore the table.
In 2009, when the A2ii first compiled a map on inclusive insurance regulation, there were only six jurisdictions on the map. In the years since, the A2ii and the IAIS have drawn on the experience of these pioneering countries to promote the implementation of proportionate regulations. As the numbers grew, we began to see that our collection of data could serve as a public tool for learning, research and peer exchange.
We welcome regulators to submit new information about the state of inclusive insurance in their jurisdiction by emailing

Blog post: Sixteen Years of Inclusive Insurance Regulation
By sheer numbers alone, it is clear there has been notable progress compared to the early days of microinsurance market development. Perhaps more interestingly, what has our research for the map told us about the ways in which inclusive insurance regulation has changed? Here we examine the pathways to inclusive insurance over the last sixteen years and the trends that have occurred along the way, including:
- Index Insurance
- Tech-driven models
- A renewed interest in dedicated licensing
- Challenges and learning opportunities
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