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26.06.2024 | Elizabeth Ingerfield | Belize, Financial Inclusion, Ghana, Gender

How to insure unqualified or uninterested customers? Ask insurance supervisors in Belize and Ghana

In a world of greater unpredictability and climate impacts, insurance can be a challenging product to deploy. Forward-thinking regulators, policymakers, and supervisors are changing their tactics, ensuring insurance can be a tool for inclusion. In a recent event bringing together alumni from Women’s World Banking’s Leadership and Diversity Program for Regulators (LDR), forward-thinking government institutions shared how they are approaching inclusive insurance. The session was sponsored and co-hosted by the Centre of Excellence on Gender-Smart Solutions, an initiative under the Global Shield against Climate Risks, and Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii).
23.01.2023 | Manoj Pandey, Teresa Pelanda | A2ii, Climate and disaster risk, Financial Inclusion, Gender, iii-lab, Innovation

Innovating for financial inclusion - the role of insurance supervisors

To be able to provide well-designed insurance solutions that address the needs of the low-income and excluded customers in a manner that is customer friendly but also economically sustainable, calls for innovation - i.e. to do new things or to do things differently.
05.07.2021 | Hui Lin Chiew | Consumer Protection, Financial Inclusion, Inclusive Insurance, Microinsurance, Prudential

Lessons so far: Beema Samiti-A2ii-UNCDF insurance supervisory capacity building support on inclusive and digital insurance

What is it that makes digital, inclusive insurance possible – what kind of demand, supply or regulatory environment? What can the regulator reasonably do to provide such an environment, and how should a regulator go about planning and implementing this? And underlying all of that - what kind of support can capacity building providers such as A2ii provide to help insurance regulators along this journey?
29.04.2020 | A2ii Editorial Team | Belize, Caribbean, Covid-19, Financial Inclusion, Gender, Inclusive Insurance, Microinsurance

Perspectives on financial inclusion from Belize: An Interview with Alma D. Gomez, Supervisor of Insurance and Pensions at the OSIPP

In 2019, two supervisors from Belize were among those chosen by the A2ii to receive a scholarship to attend the program: Alma D. Gomez (senior official) and Alicia Leslie (a high-potential woman leader). The following is an interview with Ms Gomez, who is the Supervisor of Insurance and Pensions at the Office of the Supervisor of Insurance & Private Pensions (OSIPP) of Belize.