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01.11.2021 | Carolyn Barsulai | Climate and disaster risk, SDG 13: Climate Action

Supervision of climate-related risks in the insurance sector

COP26 begins today. Climate change is no longer seen as a projection for emerging or new risks but an ongoing reality that threatens the stability of the financial system and the insurance sector as a whole.
26.10.2021 | Hannah Grant | A2ii, Covid-19, Inclusive Insurance

Empowering Regulators - Developing Communities: A2ii 2020 Annual Report

Once again, I have the pleasure to present the A2ii 2020 Annual Report.  Throughout 2020, the A2ii experienced many changes. What remained constant was our commitment to adjust our activities to the context of the Covid-19 crisis to meet the ever-changing situation and needs of supervisors.
05.07.2021 | Hui Lin Chiew | Consumer Protection, Financial Inclusion, Inclusive Insurance, Microinsurance, Prudential

Lessons so far: Beema Samiti-A2ii-UNCDF insurance supervisory capacity building support on inclusive and digital insurance

What is it that makes digital, inclusive insurance possible – what kind of demand, supply or regulatory environment? What can the regulator reasonably do to provide such an environment, and how should a regulator go about planning and implementing this? And underlying all of that - what kind of support can capacity building providers such as A2ii provide to help insurance regulators along this journey?
30.04.2021 | Carolyn Barsulai | Accounting standards, IFRS 17, Supervisory Dialogue

IFRS 17: Implications for supervisors and the industry

After almost 20 years in the making, the release of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 17 Insurance Contracts has been heralded as one of the most significant recent developments in the insurance industry. 
23.03.2021 | A2ii Editorial Team | Index Insurance, Regulations

Entrevista con Regina Simões: la situación actual y los retos regulatorios de los seguros basados en índices

La publicación presenta los resultados y hallazgos de la encuesta sobre seguros basados en índices, también llamados de seguros paramétricos, realizada por la A2ii en el segundo semestre de 2020.